Support Us

An impact that resonates

We’re inviting volunteer contributions related to our initiative’s goals, focusing on Middle Eastern threats posed by ballistic missiles, weaponized UAVs, and their supply chains. If you’re passionate about security analysis or have insights to share, reach out for an initial discussion. Please refrain from sending unsolicited attachments in your first email; let’s start the conversation!

Submissions are welcome at [email protected]

Strategic Partnerships for Impact

The ClearHorizon Initiative operates with a dedicated team conducting extensive investigations alongside our thorough analysis of open-source intelligence (OSINT). In our pursuit to counter the proliferation of advanced weapon systems in the Middle East, we deploy to investigate on the field but also employ specialized Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) equipment. To expand our reach and impact, we seek your valuable support and strategic partnerships.

Maintaining our commitment to independent investigations, we refuse to let funding relationships compromise our critical stance. Upholding transparency, we engage in due diligence discussions with partners willing to publicly endorse and support our mission. Core funding remains pivotal, enabling us to scale our operations while retaining complete control over our investigative methods, focus areas, and editorial direction.

In-Kind Contributions

We welcome contributions of software, database access, and reliable platform resources as in-kind donations. Furthermore, beta-testing opportunities for equipment hold significant value to us. Access to data and advanced technological platforms substantially bolsters our investigative capabilities.